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Upper St. Clair School District

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Committee Chairs

We are in need of chairpersons for a few committees.  In the meantime, if you would like further information regarding any of these committees, please contact PTC President Shanna Caplan .

We're always looking for volunteers!   If you have an interest in any of the committees, please contact us and we will discuss ways that you can get involved.

Standing Committees:

Arts in USC Chairperson Needed
Directory Kerstin Goodworth
Partners in Education (PIE) Katherine Zesch &
Elizabeth Cochran
Spelling Bee Sarah Cranganu
Science, Technology, Arts, & Math (STEAM) Chairperson Needed
Welcoming Chairperson Needed
Wellness Libby Mascaro


Reporting Organizations:

Community Foundation Gordon Mathews
Odyssey of the Mind Meridith Markovitz & 
Laura Murtough
USC School Board  Dr. Daphna Gans