About USC Parent Teacher Council
The Parent Teacher Council is an umbrella organization that provides leadership and coordination for all the PTA/PTOs/PTSOs in the Upper St. Clair School District.
What does Council do for you?
- Publishes the District-wide Student Directory (in mobile phone app form & printed option)
- Coordinates District wide STEAM and Wellness Programs
- Coordinates a District wide Arts program called Arts in USC for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade
- Funds and manages the Scripps Spelling Bee in USC
- Provides timely emails regarding PTA/PTO/PTSO events & happenings at the schools
- Provides support to families of Gifted students through "Gifted and Talented Education" (GATE)
- Provides support to families of Special Education students through "Partners in Education" (PIE)
- Host a Welcome Dinner for new families entering 1-12th grade each year
- Provides an annual appreciation breakfast for the District's Central Office administrators and staff
- Provides District-wide leadership training for PTA/PTO/PTSO officers
- Maintains consistency among the USC Volunteering Units in many areas
There are no membership dues for individual families!
The monthly PTC meetings feature an update directly from our superintendent, Dr. John Rozzo, as well as a member of the USCSD School Board.
The meetings are also a great way to stay informed about the happenings of your child's school, as well as the activities of the many PTC Committees.
Currently, all meetings are held virtually. Instructions to register for the meeting are posted on the USCSD website; all registered participants will receive a link to join the meeting.
For more information, email the PTC President at uscptcpresident@gmail.com