Media & Technology
Common Sense Media, an independent nonprofit organization, is a leader in helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. The organization works to empower parents, teachers and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.
Common Sense offers a wealth of information for parents and families within its Advice for Parents section. Information is available by age, media and issue. In addition to providing information on social media issues, the site also has articles and resources about video games, technology addiction, cyberbullying, mental health, privacy and online safety, cellphones, screentime and more.
Another resource for families is Shape the Sky, which is a network of concerned parents, educators, clinicians and media who have come together for a common cause: to enrich the online experience for our children through better education and more effective communication.
The Anti Defamation League has put together The "Grown Folks" Guide to Popular Apps in Social Media to help parents and families understand social media technology and teach young people how to engage safely and respectfully on social media. It can be a challenge for adults to keep up with the latest apps and know what’s “hot” and what’s not. This resource lists popular social media sites and applications (apps) young people are using. The information is not exhaustive but focuses on the trends and is updated periodically as new apps and sites emerge and others disappear.