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Upper St. Clair School District

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Proposed final budget approved

May 15, 2024


The Upper St. Clair School Board approved the district’s 2024-25 proposed final budget totaling $104,169,010 during its meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024. Final budget approval is set for June 17.

“This budget reflects a continued investment in safety and security, facilities and, most importantly, our students’ needs,” Dr. John Rozzo, superintendent, said. “The proposed budget continues to support the high-quality programs and services that our community expects and our students deserve. No programs or staff are being reduced.”

The proposed spending plan is based on a millage rate of 30.5970, which includes a 3.25% increase of 0.9631 mills. The annual tax impact of the increase on a $250,000 home, the average assessed home in Upper St. Clair, is $240.77 or $20.06 per month. (To calculate the impact on a specific property value, multiply the property’s county assessed value by 0.0009631.)

In November, the USC School Board approved a resolution limiting any possible 2024-25 tax increase to within the inflationary index determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Passage of the resolution assured taxpayers that any proposed increase to the real estate tax rate would not exceed 5.3% or 1.5705 mills. The proposed spending plan is more than two percentage points below the limit.

More than 78 percent of the district’s revenues is derived from local taxes. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides 21 percent and the federal government provides under $509,000 – less than half of one percent of overall revenues.

District leaders provided an overview of several factors that are impacting the 2024-25 budget. Salaries and benefits total nearly 80% of the budget. Maintaining competitive wages/salaries to recruit and retain staffing levels remains a priority. This year, there are seven professional staff retirements/resignations and the administration is recommending not filling two district-level administrative positions – the assistant superintendent and senior director of operations and administrative services positions. Healthcare is projected to increase by 9%. In addition, county assessment appeals over the last year have resulted in a decrease of more than $1 million in annual revenue.

The proposed budget supports several capital improvement projects throughout the district, including the ongoing roof replacement at the high school, HVAC systems throughout the district, athletic wing renovations at the high school, district-wide safety and security enhancements, new buses/vans, concrete repairs, interior improvements to the high school, as well as gym netting and equipment.

Throughout the 2024-25 budget process, which began last fall, the district’s leadership team has focused on three primary objectives: deliver extraordinary learning experiences for students; balance the needs of the school district while recognizing the fiduciary responsibilities to the community; and remain cognizant of the interdependence of all aspects that directly and indirectly affect students’ school experience.

The school board will vote on the final budget and taxes on Monday, June 17, 2024. The meeting, which is open to the public, begins at 7 p.m. in the district’s administration building.

The 2024-25 proposed final budget is available on the district’s website and at the district’s administrative building, 1775 McLaughlin Run Road.

