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Upper St. Clair School District

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School Bus Stopping Law

School Bus

School bus safety is a high priority in Pennsylvania. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, transportation providers and the motoring public all play important roles in keeping our children safe while on or around the school bus.

  • When you meet a stopped school bus with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP.
  • When you approach an intersection where a school bus is stopped with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP, whether you are on the same street or the cross street.
  • You MUST STOP at least 10 feet away from the school bus.
  • Drivers do not have to stop on a highway with clearly defined dividing sections or physical barriers providing separate roadways. This only applies when the school bus is on the opposite side of the road.
  • You MUST WAIT until the red lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm has been withdrawn before moving.
  • DO NOT MOVE until all the children have reached a place of safety.
(source: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation)


If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law, you will receive all of the following penalties:

  • 60-Day Driver’s License Suspension
  • Five points on your driving record
  • $250 Fine

For more information about the school bus stopping law and to see photo examples, visit

(source: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation)