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Upper St. Clair School District

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Maintenance & Custodial Services

The education program of the District is based primarily in six school buildings: one high school, two middle schools and three elementary schools. The District also maintains its own bus garage facility and District Administration Building.

The District's total educational square footage is approximately 660,200. Current school building construction dates range from 1951 to 1969 with renovations and additions dating: 1999 - Upper St. Clair High School; 2003 - Baker, Eisenhower, and Streams Elementary Schools; and 2012 - Fort Couch Middle School and Boyce Middle School. The most recent projects - a new pool at the high school and the new district administration building - opened in the fall 2019.

The district has two departments in the physical plants operation: District Maintenance and Custodial Departments.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Lou Angelo
Director of Operations & Facilities
412-833-1600, Ext. 2272