Four qualify for FBLA nationals
May 7, 2024
- Lylah Kateeb, 3rd place, Introduction to Event Planning
- Abhi Kanini, 4th place, International Business
- Arjun Suresh, 4th place, Management Information Systems
- Isabel Vilensky, 4th place, Business Management
The statewide event was held April 8-10, 2024, in Hershey. The Leadership Conference featured more than 50 individual and/or team events on a range of topics including accounting, advertising, business law, economics, personal finance, graphic design, social media strategies, and more. The top four in each event qualified for the FBLA National Leadership Conference, which is set for June 27-July 2, 2024, in Orlando.
The following Upper St. Clair High School students placed in the top 10 in Pennsylvania, but did not qualify to advance to the national competition:
- Shubham Patel, 9th place, Public Speaking
- Mahir Parmar, 9th place, Economics
- Arth Italiya, 9th place, Introduction to Business Concepts
- Devish Jani, 9th place, Introduction to FBLA
Upper St. Clair High School FBLA officers include Shubham Patel, president; Grace Atencio, vice president; Rosith Nadimpali, secretary; and Neil Joon, treasurer. Mr. Patrick Manion, social studies teacher, serves as FBLA adviser.
FBLA is a nonprofit educational association that prepares students for careers in business by helping them develop leadership abilities, and prepare for entry into, and advancement within, a business or business-related occupation.