March 2023
District Highlights: March 2023
- Future Problem Solvers compete at states
- 2 USC teams earn gold at STEM challenge
- Two qualify for National Chemistry Olympiad
- Faces of the Fort honors 14
- Four named to All-State Band
- Fort Couch team places 2nd at Science Bowl
- Three violinists selected for Orchestra Fest
- USC hockey players headed to National Championships
- STEAM students present to Eaton execs
- Speech & Debate crowned state champs
- USCHS hosts mental health awareness program
- Seven named to March Deans’ List
- USCHS earns three third place finishes at German Day
- USCHS celebrates African American history
- 6th grader selected for hockey’s Future Legends event
- Children’s author visits Baker Elementary
- 10 Odyssey of the Mind teams advance to state finals
- Two named Junior Women of Achievement
- Boyce spreads kindness
- 7th grader crowned regional spelling bee champ, again
- USCHS students earn high marks at Japanese contest
- Three selected for All-State Chorus
- Boyce teachers named Promising Practitioners
- Fort Couch wins two national Future City awards
- Sixth grader wins Shakespeare monologue contest