Cheerleaders host food drive for SHIM
Feb. 27, 2023
The Upper St. Clair High School varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders hosted a food drive during the USC vs. Mt. Lebanon boys basketball game on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023. In total, the cheerleaders collected 130 pounds of food for families served by the South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM).Organized by Senior Captain Jocie Rullo, the cheerleaders promoted the food drive via Instagram.
“The use of Instagram was highly effective considering the large number of both USC and Lebo citizens that flooded the donation box with food throughout the game,” Jocie said. “Even those who didn’t bring a donation still wanted to support the food drive through a cash donation.”
At the end of the night, the donation box was overflowing - requiring the help of multiple cheerleaders to carry the donations outside.
“The box was so full that it burst inside of Jocie’s car,” Ava Pasquini, senior cheerleader, said.
Senior cheerleaders Jocie, Ava and Reagan McGregor delivered the food to SHIM on Wednesday, Feb. 14.
The food drive was initiated by the USC Cheer Boosters. Based on this year’s success, it could become an annual event.
When asked if she believed this could become an annual tradition, Booster Chairperson Michelle McGregor eagerly responded with, “Absolutely! The cheerleaders could totally run that without the help of adults. I know who to talk to and all the steps and would just pass that on.”
Knowing that they have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others will work to motivate the USC Cheerleaders and Boosters to keep this tradition alive.
“Seeing the original box we brought for donations overflow with goods was very rewarding and I was glad to be a part of it,” Olivia Cuba, senior cheerleader, said.
Article written by USCHS senior Reagan McGregor
Reagan McGregor, a senior at Upper St. Clair High School, is currently completing a community-based learning experience in communications. She is a varsity cheerleader, a member of the high school’s Ski Club and a member of the National Honor Society. Reagan plans to major in communications/journalism in college.