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Honors awarded for Arts in USC contest-13654

May 9, 2022

Honors awarded for Arts in USC contest

Arts In USC
Several students earned first, second and third place honors in the 2021-22 Arts in USC contest, sponsored by Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Council. The following students and their artwork were recognized:

1st Place: Ellie Krygowski, Eisenhower Elementary
2nd Place: Shlok Dhopare, Streams Elementary
3rd Place: Donald Jones, Baker Elementary

First Grade
1st Place: Anastasia Elhajj, Baker Elementary
2nd Place: Ditya Makhija, Eisenhower Elementary
3rd Place: Om Sharma, Streams Elementary

Second Grade
1st Place: Shan Odari, Baker Elementary
2nd Place: Roman Ward, Eisenhower Elementary
3rd Place: Alivia Rush, Streams Elementary

Third Grade
1st Place: Sarah Sakowitz, Streams Elementary
2nd Place: Allison Marie Irvine, Baker Elementary
3rd Place: Lynna Thomson, Eisenhower Elementary

Fourth Grade
1st Place: Durga Binoj, Streams Elementary
2nd Place: Lauren Joyce, Eisenhower Elementary
3rd Place: Madison Greenwald, Baker Elementary

Fifth Grade
1st Place: Divya Singh, Boyce Middle School
2nd Place: Isabella Liu, Boyce Middle School
2nd Place: Anvi Vaishya, Boyce Middle School
3rd Place: Rihaj Odari, Boyce Middle School

Sixth Grade
1st Place: Iris Wang, Boyce Middle School
2nd Place: Bella Uffelman, Boyce Middle School
3rd Place: Maddie Brunner, Boyce Middle School

Seventh Grade
1st Place: Jhivyasaili Sahu, Fort Couch Middle School
2nd Place: Sophia Henderson, Fort Couch Middle School
3rd Place: Gloria Wu, Fort Couch Middle School

Eighth Grade
1st Place: Tanvi Kallur, Fort Couch Middle School
2nd Place: Ojasi Madhekar, Fort Couch Middle School
3rd Place: Tanvi Kallur, Fort Couch Middle School

Nearly 250 students in kindergarten through grade eight participated in the annual contest. With the theme, “A Salute to Animals,” students were encouraged to create an original two-dimensional piece of art. All submissions can be viewed on the PTC’s webpage.

The mission of the Arts in USC contest is to bring opportunities of artistic expression to all students in kindergarten through grade 12, while making it possible for students to have a contest experience. Kindergarten through eighth grade students have the opportunity to submit artwork to this in-house competition, which is judged at each grade level within each school. First place artwork for each elementary grade advances to district-wide judging.

For more information, please email

First Place Artwork

1st place 7th grade Jhivyasaili Sahu
Iris Wang 6th grade
1st place 8th grade Tanvi Kallur Biodiversity
Durga Binoj 4th grade
Sarah Sakowitz 3rd grade
Divya Singh 5th grade
Shan Odari 2nd
Ellie Krygowski kdg
Anastasia Elhajj 1st grade