Black History Month - trivia contest winners
Front Row: Nandi Mitall, Cadence Golden, Havala Bayles, Stephen Li, Phina Darko, Yoshna Venkataraman
Back Row: Hasan Badaruddin, Brain McFerran, Uriah Puentes, Dr. Dewalt, Mrs. Gouker, Ms. Fisher, Ms. Karambelkar
March 3, 2022
USC-BSU announces Black History trivia contest winners
Upper St. Clair High School’s Black Student Union (USC-BSU) recently sponsored the Black History Trivia Contest during this year’s Black History Month (BHM). Students who submitted an answer were entered into seven drawings. The student winners are Hasan Badaruddin, Mahesh Lakshminarayanan, Brian McFerran, Yoshna Venkataraman, Jack Yurcich, Stephen Li and Prishaa Kshirsagar.
This year, many teachers asked the Black History Trivia questions during classes. Participating teachers were also entered into seven drawings. The winning teachers include Ms. Smigel, Dr. Dewalt, Mrs. Gouker, Ms. Fisher, Ms. Karambelkar, Mr. Cramer, and Mrs. Carlino.
Each week throughout February, students were asked to identify the notables who were described by the clues. Each academic discipline – mathematics, science, English, and the arts – was represented. The club received approximately 900 answers during the four weeks of BHM at USCHS. The culminating event for BHM was Ms. Mitall’s talk about her life in South Africa and her work in film and theater.
This year, USC-BSU is led by senior Cadence Golden, and juniors Nandi Mitall, Havala Bayles and Uriah Puentes, sophomores, Phina Darko, Evie Ellenberger, Lucia Miles and Aniketh Vivekanandan. In addition, USC-BSU is sponsored by Daniela Buccilli and Cephus Moore.