Girls on the Run empowers Streams students
June 6, 2022
Girls on the Run empowers Streams students
Twenty Streams Elementary students recently participated in the spring season of Girls on the Run. The celebratory culminating event – a non-competitive 5K – was held on Sunday, May 22, 2022, at the Waterfront in Homestead.
Girls on the Run is a national program that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running –- combining training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting lessons and workouts. The goal of the program is to encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development.
The Streams program was coached by fourth grade teacher Carolyn Fortson. Serving as assistant coaches were teachers Becky DeGregorio, resource; Anne DiDesiderio, grade 4; Carrie Schade, kindergarten; as well as Stephanie Kellner, librarian; and Leslie Smirniw, school counselor.
“These types of programs are so important because they empower girls and build their confidence in all aspects of their well-being,” Mrs. Fortson said. “Girls on the Run helps girls develop social, emotional, and physical skills and healthy habits for life.”
Throughout the 10-week program, students met for 90 minutes each Monday and Wednesday after school.
“My favorite part of Girls on the Run is watching the relationships the girls build with one another. Throughout the season they make great connections with each other, and respond to each other with such care and compassion,” Mrs. Fortson said. “The way that they encourage each other and help each other along is heartwarming and inspiring. Watching the girls' reactions as their teammates cross the finish line at our 5K is enough to bring anyone to tears!”