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Upper St. Clair School District

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Student-led bake sale benefits women’s shelter

July 8, 2022

Student-led bake sale benefits women’s shelter

Bake sale
Two rising ninth graders raised $555 to benefit the Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. As eighth graders at Fort Couch Middle School Lylah Kateeb and Isabella Donnelly hosted a bake sale during the school’s annual Celebration of Learning on May 12, 2022.

“We baked most of the goods but also received many donations from the families of Fort Couch,” Lylah said. “We organized the entire sale, advertised and brought our friend Braidyn Recker to help us sell during Celebration of Learning.”

The bake sale donation will help the women’s shelter in its mission to provide safety, shelter, support and guidance to survivors of domestic violence.

“You have made a gift that truly makes a difference. Thank you for giving and inspiring others with your generosity,” the Team at Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh said.

Lylah and her friends plan to continue to make a difference in the future.

“We had a lot of fun and hope to do something like this again with the support and help of our community,” she said.
