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Two teams excel at Model EU

Dec. 8, 2022

Two teams excel at Model EU

Model EU - 2nd and 3rd place teams
Two teams of Upper St. Clair High School students placed second and third at the Model European Union (EU) event on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022, at the University of Pittsburgh. Senior Jasmine Dietiker and sophomore Anna Engelman, representing Denmark, earned second place for Most Outstanding Position Paper. Sophomore Jamie Barrett and freshman Anoushka Barve, representing the Netherlands, earned third place for Outstanding Delegation.

In total, nine Upper St. Clair High School students participated in the annual event. Students were coached by Thomas Yochum, gifted education teacher.

The goal of the Model EU is to give high school students a chance to learn about the workings of the European Union through a hands-on simulation. Playing the roles of presidents and prime ministers, students spend a day engaged in intense negotiations over conflicting issues about the EU. The objective is to simulate a specific European Council meeting that focuses on recent current events impacting the EU.

In its 18th year, the Model EU event is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh’s European Studies Center with funding from the U.S. Department of Education and Jean Monnet European Union Centers of Excellence.
