Fifth grader wins regional poetry contest, places second nationally
Nov. 17, 2021
Fifth grader wins regional poetry contest, places second nationally
As part of National Chemistry Week 2021, students from grades K–12 were invited to share their interpretation of the theme, “Fast or Slow... Chemistry Makes It Go!,” in the form of illustrated poems. Winners at the local section level qualified for the national contest. At the national level, first- and second-place prizes were awarded in four categories: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12.
Poems could be written in any style – free verse, limerick, haiku, etc. Entries were judged based upon relevance to and incorporation of the theme, word choice and imagery, colorful artwork, adherence to poem style, originality and creativity, and overall presentation.
View the first and second place winners in each category online.
Mira has earned additional honors for her writing and illustrations. In October, she earned Honorable Mention in the Fifth Annual Mahatma Gandhi Creative Writing and Art Contest for her illustrated poem. In addition, she has earned several top finishes in the annual Arts in USC contest, sponsored by the Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Contest.