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Literary arts magazine earns top honors

Jan. 28, 2021

Literary arts magazine earns top honors

Montage cover
Upper St. Clair High School’s literary arts magazine, “Montage,” recently earned first-place honors in the 2020 Scholastic Yearbook and Magazine Awards.

The 2019-20 “Montage” was published through the work of many students including editors – Haley Beardsley, Aniqah Rafi and Shana Reddy and staff members Kaitlyn Clougherty, Jordan Holleran and Aditri Thakur. Dr. Timothy Wagner, principal, served as adviser for the publication.

Upper St. Clair’s award is in the category of Senior High Schools with a population of 1,001-1,700 students.

Sponsored by the American Scholastic Press Association, the annual contest provides feedback on page design, story layout, graphics, headlining, cover design, advertising placement, photography and other publication elements. Each school yearbook and magazine is scored on a point system and is awarded a first, second or third place in its classification.

Work on the 2020-21 edition of “Montage” is currently underway. Students are encouraged to submit poems, short stories, research papers, music compositions, photos, multimedia art and other artwork for consideration. Contact Elana Ragan, English teacher and 2020-21 Montage adviser, for information,