Dr. Mussomeli leads regional education association
Nov. 6, 2020
Dr. Mussomeli leads regional education association
A goal of PAMLE is to identify, disseminate and promote developmentally appropriate practices for middle level learners and educators. The organization is comprised of five geographical regions – Central, East, Northwest, Southeast and West. The West Region encompasses the 10-county area of Southwestern Pennsylvania including Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, Westmoreland counties.
As one of five regional presidents, Dr. Mussomeli serves on the statewide organization’s executive board of directors. Prior to her appointment as the West Region president, she served as a member of PAMLE regional board of directors.
A member of Upper St. Clair administrative staff since 2012, Dr. Mussomeli previously served as assistant principal at Upper St. Clair High School before joining the Boyce leadership staff in 2017. Prior to Upper St. Clair, she ascended through the ranks at Pittsburgh Public Schools where she held the positions of director of science, technology, engineering and mathematics; assistant principal; reading supervisor; and high school English teacher.
Dr. Mussomeli completed her doctoral work at Point Park University and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Duquesne University. A resident of Peters Township, Dr. Mussomeli and her husband, Joe, have two young children, Andrew and Carson.
Established in 1973, the Association of Middle Level Education serves as a voice for professionals, parents and others interested in the educational and developmental needs of young adolescents (youth 10 – 15 years of age). AMLE is the only national educational association exclusively devoted to improving the educational experiences of young adolescents.
PAMLE is active in the Dr. Donald H. Eichhorn School to Watch program that started in Upper St. Clair. Schools to Watch is a program of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform. Pennsylvania is one of 17 states that has an active STW program, which recognizes the unique time of social, emotional and academic development of middle level learners. Upper St. Clair’s Boyce and Fort Couch middle schools are five-time recipients of the STW recognition.