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Upper St. Clair School District

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School Records

School records are an inherent part of a student’s formal education in the public school setting. They are used to collect, maintain and disseminate pertinent information. The Upper St. Clair School District (District) has adopted a policy and administrative regulations in accordance with both the regulations of the State Board of Education on Pupil Records, adopted July 12, 1974, amended July 15, 1977, and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Parents and eligible students (students who have reached the age of 18 or are emancipated minors) are accorded the following rights:

  1. To inspect, review and be given a copy of school records;
  2. To obtain a copy of the District’s policy and regulations regarding the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of school records upon written request to: 

    Dr. Lauren Madia, Director of Pupil Services
    Upper St. Clair School District
    1775 McLaughlin Run Road
    Upper St. Clair, PA 15241
    Phone: 412-833-1600 x 2113
  3. To file complaints with the FERPA Office, Family Policy Compliance, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 0202- 4605;
  4. To be informed of the transfer of records to officials of another school or school system upon notification of the student’s enrollment;
  5. To challenge the contents of the records; 
  6. To refuse individual consent where it is required for release of information from the record; and, 
  7. To be informed of the data collected and maintained by representational consent.

If you wish to examine the record, you may make arrangements to do so by contacting the principal or counselor at the school your child attends.