ESSA Federal Reports
- Upper St. Clair High School
- Fort Couch Middle School
- Boyce Middle School
- Baker Elementary School
- Eisenhower Elementary School
- Streams Elementary School
(From the Pennsylvania Department of Education website, July 2024): The Pennsylvania Department of Education recognizes that students – and the schools that serve them – are more than just standardized test scores.
Launched in November 2018, the Future Ready PA Index is the result of discussions with thousands of educators, parents, advocates, policymakers, and business leaders across Pennsylvania about how communities should evaluate schools.
The tool moves beyond a single, summative score to increase transparency around school and student group performance – it features a dashboard approach to present data and information. The Future Ready PA Index illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness, providing the public with a more comprehensive look at how Pennsylvania's schools are educating students.