Contact Us
Welcome to Upper St. Clair!
Our District Administration Building is located on the Upper St. Clair High School campus - adjacent to the stadium. If you enter campus via Truxton Drive, the one-way road takes you directly in front of the building. Visitor parking is located across from the entrance. If you enter via Westminster or McLaughlin Run Road, enter the upper parking lot and park in the spaces above the administration building. The building's main entrance is marked by an arched overhang.
During the school year, our administrative offices are open weekdays from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Throughout the summer, offices typically close at 3:30 p.m.
School hours vary for our students - please check on the building level websites for more information.
Upper St. Clair School District
District Administrative Building
1775 McLaughlin Run Road
Upper St. Clair PA 15241
412.833.1600 x 2202
District Leadership
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. John Rozzo
412.833.1600 x 3211
Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Amy Pfender
412.833.1600 x 2062
Director of Special Education
Dr. Rachel Andler
412.833.1600 x 2064
Director of Administrative Services
Dr. Louis Angelo
412.833.1600 x 2272
Director of Technology
Mr. Raymond Berrott
412.833.1600 x 2059
Director of Curriculum & Professional Development
Dr. Judy Bulazo
412.833.1600 x 2061
Director of Business & Finance
Mr. Scott Burchill
412.833.1600 x 2054
Director of Pupil Services
Dr. Lauren Madia
412.833.1600 x 2113
Director of Transportation
Mr. Jonn Mansfield
412.833.1600 x 3451
Director of Operations & Facilities
Mr. Dan Snyder
412.833.1600 ext. 2361
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Mr. Bradley Wilson
412.833.1600 x 3318
Leadership Support Staff
Superintendent's Office
Mrs. Sarah MacDonald
412.833.1600 x 2218
Deputy Superintendent's Office
Ms. Mary Beth Harkleroad
412.833.1600 x 2214
Communications Specialist
Mrs. Tina Vojtko
412.833.1600 x 2215
Baker Elementary School (K-4)
Dr. Patrick McClintock-Comeaux, Principal
412.833.1600 x 4000
Eisenhower Elementary School (K-4)
Mr. Mark Miller, Principal
412.833.1600 x 8000
Streams Elementary School (K-4)
Dr. Lindsay Klousnitzer, Principal
412.833.1600 x 6000
Boyce Middle School (5-6)
Dr. Daniel O'Rourke, Principal
Dr. Christine Mussomeli, Assistant Principal
412.833.1600 x 5000
Fort Couch Middle School (7-8)
Ms. Erin Stehle, Principal
Mr. Gordon Mathews, Assistant Principal
412.833.1600 x 3000
Upper St. Clair High School (9-12)
Dr. Timothy Wagner, Principal
Dr. Dan Beck, Assistant Principal
Ms. Cara Senger, Assistant Principal
412.833.1600 x 2236
Health Offices
Nurse Department Chair
Ms. Holly Fisher
412.833.1600 x 4005
Athletics Office
Director of Athletics
Mr. Danny Holzer
412.833.1600 x 2260
School Police
Chief of School Police
Mr. Sean Bryson
412.833.1600 x 2560
Contracted Services
ARAMARK Food Services
Ashley Lindhurst
412.833.1600 x 2287