Special Education
In keeping with the district's mission, students with diverse learning needs are supported as they participate in the Upper St. Clair school experience. Students with a variety of special needs including learning difficulties, physical challenges, emotional difficulties, and giftedness are served through special education services located in all of the district's schools.
Services are provided by special education teachers, classroom teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school nurses, counselors, paraprofessional staff, and others with specialized training and expertise.
Upper St. Clair School District strives to provide every child a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. Students are provided as many opportunities as possible to be integrated in the regular classroom with their peers. The administration and staff are dedicated to individualizing each child's educational program to best meet their needs, allowing them to reach their greatest learning potential.
Department Contacts
Dr. Rachel Andler
Director of Special Education
(412) 833-1600 ext. 2064
Email: randler@uscsd.k12.pa.us
Mrs. Colleen Czekaj
Special Education Curriculum Leader (K-12)
(412) 833-1600 ext. 2221
Mrs. Jodi Mosler
Special Education Department Chair
(412) 833-1600 ext. 5049
Mrs. Michelle Zirngibl
Special Education Curriculum Leader/Transition Coordinator (9-12)
(412)-833-1600 ext. 2309