Health Forms
Turning in completed forms
If you have completed dental/physical forms to turn in, you can do any of the following:
- Have your child turn in the form(s) in-person to school
- Mail the completed forms to the school. Please include "Attn. School Nurse" in the address line.
- Scan and email your completed forms directly to your child's school nurse. click here for our health services staff by school
If you wish to have your child's dentist perform the dental examination requirement (K/1, 3, 7), this form must be completed by the dentist and returned to the school nurse.
If you wish to have your child's physician perform the physical examination requirement (K/1, 6, 11), this form (or the office's digital physical form) must be completed by the physician and returned to the school nurse.
Any student taking prescription or over-the-counter medication is required to register with the nurse.
To be completed for students who require their emergency medication, be on their person during the school day.
The NEW universal blood lead level testing regulation mandate for all students entering Kindergarten.