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Upper St. Clair School District

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Why IB in USC?


Upper St. Clair School District has many different types of learners. The District recognizes that one-size-fits-all education does not work for all students. Any program offered by USC is designed to ensure that students are engaged in school and learning; raising their expectations regarding their own performance; and encouraging them to access challenging coursework throughout their years in the District.


The three programs that have been developed by IBO and offered by the School District provide one way to meet these goals together with offering District families a choice in their public school system at each level: elementary, middle and high school. The IB programs at USC aim to develop inquiring minds and knowledgeable and caring young people eager to contribute to make the community and world a better place to live.


Since the three IB programs were introduced, student enrollment has increased and grown as the District has moved to full implementation stretching from kindergarten to 12th grade. This growth has been balanced with fluctuation and changes in various class cohorts as the students continue through the system from grade-to-grade. 

Learn more about the PYP's Children for Children Event