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Upper St. Clair School District

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MYP History

The Middle Years Program is one of three programs authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization. MYP was added in 1994. The IB is a non-profit making Swiss foundation registered in 1968. The activities of the organization are determined by an Act of Foundation approved by the Swiss authorities. Since IB is a “not-for-profit organization” and not a company; furthermore, any fund surplus is reinvested in the organization. Schools and school districts that operate IB authorized programs are called IB World Schools and are the customers of IB. The organization has a very close, long-term, two-way relationship with its IB World Schools.

In the late 1990’s, Upper St Clair School District began to investigate various educational programs that may be offered as choices to District families. After a series of visits by various teams from USC to IB World Schools in the United States, the decision was made to implement all three IB programs as a choice option for district families. In effect plans began to develop the Primary Years Program for grades K-4, the Middle Years Program for grades 5-10, and the Diploma Program for grades 11-12.

In December 1997, a District fast track curriculum recommendation was approved to undertake the application process for adopting the IB MYP. The Middle Years Programme was authorized by the IB in 2002.

In the process of receiving authorization, the District completed an Interested Schools Form and successfully completed the following authorization stages:

Feasibility Study and Identification of Resources (1997-1998)

  • Obtained the MYP publications and other necessary documents.
  • Examined the program’s philosophy and curriculum to determine whether these meet the needs of our students.
  • Conducted a feasibility study on the possible consequences of implementing the program.
  • Arranged for teaching and administrative staff to enroll in IB approved professional development.
  • Filed the MYP Application Form Part A with the regional office.

Trial Implementation Period: Candidate Status (1998-2001)

  • MYP Application Form Part A was accepted and the District was designated an IB candidate school and started to teach the program at the middle school buildings.
  • MYP Application Form Part B was filed the regional office and pre-authorization/consultation dialog between the District and IBO occurred.
  • Authorization Visit by an IB Visiting Team (2001-2002)
  • Consulted those who were involved in the implementation of the program.
  • Evaluated the District’s preparedness to implement the program.
  • Completed a report on the District’s commitment and ability to deliver the program.

Second Authorization Visit by an IB Visiting Team (2006-2007 and 2007-2008)

  • Evaluated the District’s continual implementation of the program.
  • Completed a report on the District’s commitment and ability to deliver the program.

Our most recent authorization visit occurred in December 2022.