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Upper St. Clair School District

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DP Award of the Diploma

Authorization & Eligibility

Only schools authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) are eligible to teach the curriculum and to register candidates for examination. IB diploma candidates must be students in good standing at an authorized member school. Some 5,700 schools in over 160 countries worldwide offer the Diploma Program.  


Award of the IB Diploma

Each examined subject is graded on a scale of 1 (minimum) to 7 (maximum). The award of the diploma requires students to meet defined standards and conditions, including a minimum total of 24 points and the satisfactory completion of the extended essay, Theory of Knowledge course (TOK) and CAS (creativity, activity, service) activities. The maximum score of 45 includes three points for the combination of the extended essay and work in TOK.

All students are encouraged to engage in the full program. Those who fail to satisfy all requirements or who elect to take fewer than six subjects are awarded a certificate for examinations completed. The May examination session serves the majority of candidates with a smaller November session available primarily for schools in the Southern Hemisphere. Each year, approximately 80% of candidates attempting the diploma succeed in earning it.

The following are the regulations regarding grades and the award of the IB Diploma, as stated in the IB publication General Regulations: Diploma Programme:

Article 12: Grades
Performance in each subject is graded on a scale of 1 point (minimum) to 7 points (maximum).  For the IB diploma, a maximum of 3 points is awarded for combined performance in TOK and the extended essay.  The maximum total Diploma Programme points score is 45.
Article 13: Award of the IB Diploma

All assessment components for each of the six subjects and the additional IB diploma requirements must be completed in order to qualify for the award of the IB diploma.

If a diploma candidate is awarded a grade E for TOK or a grade E for the extended essay, the candidate will not qualify for the diploma regardless of the total number of points achieved.

The IB diploma will be awarded to a candidate whose total score is 24 or above, provided all the following requirements are met:

  • All CAS requirements have been met.
  • At least a grade D has been awarded for both TOK and the extended essay.
  • There is no grade 1 in any subject.
  • There are no more than two grade 2s (HL/SL).
  • There are no more than three grade 3s (HL/SL).
  • At least 12 points have been gained in higher level subjects (candidates who register for four higher level subjects, the three highest grades count).
  • At least 9 points have been gained on standard level subjects (candidates who register for two standard levels must gain at least 5 points at the standard level).
  • The candidate has not been found guilty of malpractice by the IB Organization.