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Upper St. Clair School District

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Student / Teacher Login

Parent Login

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All homework listings for students in grades 5-12 are coordinated through Canvas. Each student's "Calendar" is now customized to each child, and is only accessible through logging in with a parent or student Canvas account. Along with a number of other benefits, parents can access all student calendars and related course information will be available in one location, regardless of how many children they have in grades 5-12. 

For information about Canvas and how to create and use your parent Canvas account, please continue below.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that all Upper St. Clair teachers (grades 5-12) began using in 2019. In essence, Canvas helps to bring a lot of different tools into one platform. For instance, previously, Blended Schools housed classroom resources; Showbie was the location for submitting assignments; MMS was the go-to for grades, and district web pages were used for homework listings. Canvas, over time, has brought most of these tasks to one place. 

Not only does Canvas help to create a "one-stop-shop" experience for parents, but it also customizes access to information specific to the student and provides the opportunity for much greater detail than before, as the integration makes many tasks not only more feasible for parents, but also for teachers.

Question or Concerns

Should you need any assistance or have questions about Canvas, please contact Brad Wilson, director of strategic initiatives,